Blog for Junior Developers C#/.NET

Friday, October 18, 2024

In this article, I wanted to touch on the subject of changing to a programmer from another profession. I will present you with a few points worth paying attention to, and I will also tell you how to make this path easier for yourself.


First Steps

I assume that you have already decided that you want to change your profession, you have chosen the right programming language (it can be C# for example) and you are starting to learn. If you are just taking your first steps in programming and do not want to invest a lot of money in learning. You just want to see if it is something that interests you, then you can start by learning from free materials. Even on my blog you will find a lot of articles for people who are taking their first steps in programming.

General knowledge and choice of specialization

If you already know the basics, then of course it is worth choosing a specialization later, you can choose here creating web, desktop or mobile applications. In addition, you can go towards backend, frontend or fullstack. So you need to think about what gives you the most pleasure and start developing in this direction later. You can also do research here and see what the demand for programmers is in your region, because it is better to find your first job locally and work stationary.

Changing departments in your current company

If you want to change your industry, I assume that you currently work in a company. So a very good idea at this point might be to talk to your boss and if your company has an IT department or even better a department that deals with software development, you can ask to be transferred to such a department. This is the first, and in my opinion, the easiest idea, i.e. changing departments in your current company, if possible.

Writing the first application that solves current problems

However, if you work in a company where you do not have the opportunity to move to such a department, you have to choose a different path. Consider whether it would be possible to improve some process in your current company and, for example, write an application dedicated to your company that will help you or your teammates in some activity that you perform every day. If it turns out that you find an area in which your application can be helpful and thanks to it you will improve some processes, save time and, above all, money in the company, then your boss will certainly allow you to develop such an application during work. Alternatively, you will have to develop it after hours at the beginning, and once you have implemented the basic functionalities, you will present it to your boss. I am convinced that he will want you to implement the applications in the company and continue developing them during work.

Use your current experience

If you do not associate your change of industry with further work in your current company, you can try to find a company where you will use your current experience. So if you are, for example, an accountant, you can look for a company that creates software for accountants. If you can program, and in addition, you have domain knowledge, i.e. you will know how a given application should work, how it will be used, then you will definitely increase your chances of employment.

Your own application

Moreover, if you have deep knowledge in a given field, it can be professional experience, as well as some other interest of yours, then you can create a dedicated application for a given industry and then you can sell it and earn money from it.

Build a portfolio

If you are interested in a different path, it is first of all worth creating your portfolio and showing off your completed projects. It is best to create various applications while learning, thanks to which you will expand your knowledge and build a portfolio. An interesting portfolio will certainly also increase your chances of finding a job.

Prepare for a job interview

In addition to a good portfolio, remember to prepare well for the job interview. You also need to prepare for theoretical questions, because you will always get such a question at a job interview. Your technical knowledge will be verified here, but also your soft skills, which are currently equally important.


So to sum up, do not let yourself be convinced that it is too late to program. If you want to become a programmer, then plan your path, because of course, you have to devote some time to such a change of industry. Be patient, start learning, create projects and choose one of the several paths that I have presented to you in this article. If you apply yourself to learning, I am convinced that you will find a job as a programmer.

If you want me to help you on this path, drop me a message. You can also consider joining my training Become a .NET Programmer, where I guide people taking their first steps in programming through the entire process from scratch to working as a Junior C#/.NET Programmer. Link to sign up:

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Author of the article:
Kazimierz Szpin

Software Developer C#/.NET, Freelancer. Specializes in ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API, Blazor, WPF and Windows Forms.
Author of the blog

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