Blog for Junior Developers C#/.NET

Since I have recently had a lot of inquiries about topics for beginner programmers, I decided to discuss issues that every person who wants to become a .NET programmer must know. First, let me talk about what inheritance is in [...]
What is Inheritance in Object Oriented Programming?
From my previous articles, you already know that automatic tests can be divided into, among others, unit tests and integration tests. I have already introduced you to unit tests in recent articles (if you haven't read them yet, be sure [...]
We Test Database Operations - Introduction to Integration Testing in .NET
Test Driven Development, abbreviated as TDD, i.e. test-driven software development. That is, as if the tests drive our code that we will write. I think TDD has been heard by every programmer, but few of them have ever tried to write [...]
Test Driven Development: Benefits of Using TDD on an Example in .NET
I'm often asked whether you should write unit tests for private or protected methods. Or how to test private methods in C#. Today I will try to briefly answer these questions. To make it easier for you to understand this problem, I [...]
Whether to Unit Test Private Methods - Examples in C#
In a previous blog post, I introduced you to automated testing. If you haven't read it yet, be sure to check it out before reading this article. Unit tests are one of the types of automatic tests. In this article, I will first tell you a little [...]
Unit Tests 100% What You Need to Know About Them
When starting to learn programming in C#, it is worth knowing what C# actually is and what the platform on which these programs are run is, the .NET platform. If you are a junior programmer who wants to be a programmer aware [...]
10 Minute Guide to C# and .NET
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
I know that many of my readers are just looking for their first job and taking part in job interviews, so it is probably worth discussing topics that you may be asked about during your job interview. Unfortunately, there are many such [...]
Ref vs Out Examples in C#
I would like to devote today's article to 4 expressions that you have probably used more than once when writing queries using LINQ. I'm talking about First, FirstOrDefault, Single and SingleOrDefault. Admit it, do you really know in [...]
Do You Really Know the Differences Between First vs FirstOrDefault vs Single vs SingleOrDefault?
ASP.NET MVC developers know that data can be passed from a controller to a view in a variety of ways. The most popular way is to use ViewModel, but you can also use ViewBag, ViewData and TempaData, among others, but what is [...]
Difference Between ViewData, ViewBag and TempData
When writing applications, you will often use ready-made libraries and classes that were written by other people and you will not have access to their source code. If you need a method that is not in a given class, you will probably [...]
Extension Methods in C#, or How to Easily Extend an Existing Type
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